Urdu: Tafsir Sa’di (3 Vols)
Tafsir Sa’di (3 Vols) Tafseer-ul-Karim-ur-Rahman Fe Tafseer Kalam Al-Mannan was written by Shaykh Abdur-Rahman ibn Naasir as-Sa’di. The Great student of Shaykh Sa’di Ibn Uthaymeen said about this book: This tafseer is one of the best for the following reasons: easy and clear words for both professionals and others. avoidance of unnecessary lengthening, which will confuse and waste the time of the reader.
avoidance of mentioning the disagreement between scholars’ opinions except for the important ones. following the path of the pious predecessors in illustrating the verses of Allah SWT’s attributes (no tahreef, and no Ta’aweel). accuracy in obtaining rules, benefits and wisdom from the verses.