The Messengers of Allah: Prophet Mohammad S.A.W
A new activity book series emphasize character building stories and fun activities. This book series introduce a story from the life of Prophet of Islam in an imaginative, fun-filled way.
It contains:
- Title: Set of 2 Books on Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W)
- Author: Said Dayioglu
- Binding: Softcover
- Publisher: Rayan Publishers
1. Mohammad S.A.W: The Expected Savior
This book highlights Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W) as the long-awaited savior prophesied in earlier scriptures. It examines his role as a unifying figure, fulfilling divine promises and bringing a message of guidance, hope, and universal peace to humanity.
2. Mohammad S.A.W: Prophethood and the Hijrah
This book explores the life of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W), focusing on the transformative journey of prophethood and the pivotal event of the Hijrah (migration). It delves into the spiritual, social, and historical significance of these milestones, offering a profound understanding of their impact on Islamic history.