The Doctor Is In You طبب نفسك بنفسك
As an emergency room physician, Dr. Travis Stork regularly sees the effects that poor lifestyle choices—the same decisions we face every day about what to eat and how active to be—have on our bodies over time. But just a few small tweaks to your daily habits can help you live longer and feel stronger.
A lively, eye-opening guide, The Doctor is In cracks the often-intimidating wellness code. You don’t need to follow the latest health crazes. Your power to save your own life is potentially thousands of times greater than that of any physician, wellness guru, or fitness expert. The secret is in seven easy, positive, and crucial steps that will help you change the way you think about diet, exercise, and the health care system. As he breaks down the building blocks for health into doable tips and action plans, Dr. Stork demystifies nutrition, exposes food fads, explains why you should be ruthlessly skeptical of health advice, and tells you which numbers you should track to keep yourself on the road to optimal wellness.
Being healthy is an important and achievable goal no matter your age or fitness level. You already hold the key to a long and happy life. It’s time to put that power into action!
- كن مرشد نفسك الصحي
- تناول الطعام للاستمتاع بالحياة
- امنح نفسك ” وقت راحة ” يومياً
- راقب بنفسك مؤشراتك الصحية
- تحكََم بالعملية الطبية
- كن عارفاً بجميع البدائل
- وطّد رابط العقل – الجسد
ولا ينسى د. ترافيس أن يذكرنا في آخر جملة بكتابه “طبب نفسك بنفسك” بما يلي:
تذكر متى استيقطت كل صباح، بأن لديك القوة الكافية للتأثير إيجابياً في حياتك وصحتك باتباعك الخيارات البسيطة جداً والذكية في آن.