Sahih Al-Bukhari (Large) Color may vary صحيح البخاري
Sahih Bukhari is the most accurate book of hadith for Muslims (Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah). It was collected by Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Ismaeel al-Bukhari, and he named it “al-Jamia’ al-Musnad al-Sahih al-Mukhtasar min ‘Umur Rasool Allah wa Sunanuh wa Ayyamuh.” It is the first book of authentic hadiths attributed to the Prophet Muhammad. It is divided into chapters based on topics of jurisprudence. It contains 7257 hadiths with repetitions included, and 4000 unique hadiths. The scholar al-Nawawi reports a consensus that the Sahih of Bukhari is authentic and that Muslims must use its hadiths, when he said: “The ummah has agreed on the authenticity of these two books and the obligation of taking their hadiths.” The two books he mentions are Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari.
Bukhari collected and checked the authenticity of the hadiths in his collection according to the science that he himself established. He is from Bukhara, in central Asia. He began writing his Sahih when he was 16 years old, and he completed it at the age of 38 in 232 AH. Al-Bukhari was born in 194 AH and died in 256 AH. His book is considered the first book of hadith and holds a special place among Muslims, which is why it and Sahih Muslim are called al-Sahihayn—the two Sahihs. Ibn Hajar said in the introduction to his book explaining Sahih Bukhari, “The number of unrepeated hadiths is 2602.”
«أجمعت الأمة على صحة هذين الكتابين ووجوب العمل بأحاديثهما» – يحيى بن شرف النووي
أي صحيح البخاري وصحيح مسلم، قام البخاري بجمعه والتحقق من صحة الأحاديث حسب علم الحديث الذي أسسه. والبخاري نسبة إلى بخارى في آسيا الوسطى. كان عمره ست عشرة سنة عندما ابتدأ بكتابة الصحيح، وانتهى وعمره ثمان وثلاثين سنة. أي تقريباً في سنة 232 هـ وقد ولد البخاري عام 194 هـ، وتوفي سنة 256 هـ. ويعد أول كتب الحديث عند السنة، وله مكانة بارزة لديهم، فيطلق عليه، مع صحيح مسلم، الصحيحان. قال ابن حجر في “مقدمة فتح الباري”: “إن عدد ما في البخاري من المتون الموصولة بلا تكرار 2602 عنوان”.