My Preparatory Alphabetical Dictionary Arabic-Italian قاموسي الألفبائي التمهيدي
This dictionary series meets the needs of children learning vital languages of the world alongside their mother tongue. This dictionary is a pre-dictionary to the First Alphabetical Arabic-Italian Dictionary. Both dictionaries are an important linguistic and educational resource for children, and contain the following features:
- Beginning letters are displayed in a different color from word entries.
- After displaying letters in their detached forms, letters are again presented attached to the words they occur in.
- Words are printed in bright, attractive colors.
- Meanings of words in Italian are displayed alongside their Arabic equivalents.
The subject matter of the dictionary is taken from a world children will
learn to love, as they are introduced to the lion, duck and cow, and to
everyday objects all around them such as the bed, tent, nut, cowboy,
boat and car. When choosing words, careful consideration was put into
combining both fun and useful entries into the dictionary.
series is designed to accompany children in the final three years of
elementary school to help them develop their skills and offer an
intellectual resource suitable for their age. The Picture Dictionaries series is a useful helper which:
- Gives children information about objects all around them
- Uses clear and easy language
- Is full of interesting pictures
ويتميز القاموسان بالوسائل الإيضاحية التالية:
- يبرزان الحرف بلون مغاير للكلمة
- يقدمان الحرف متصلاً بالكلمة بعد أن يعرفه الطفل منفصلاً عنها
- يمثلان الكلمات بصورة جميلة زاهية الألوان
- يضعان مقابل الكلمة ترجمتها في اللغة الإيطالية
ترافق هذه السلسلة الطفل في السنوات الثلاث الاخيرة من المرحلة الابتدائية لتساعده على تنمية مداركه ومواهبه وتؤمن له زاداً عقلياً – في عدد من اللغات الحيّة – متناسباً مع مستواه في هذه الفترة من إعداده.
سلسلة” المعاجم المصوّرة” هذه مساعد مخلص:
- بمعلوماته، حيث يقدم للطفل معارف محددة مع موجودات يحتك بها.
- بلغته البسيطة السهلة .
- بصوره الجميلة الجذّابة.