My Favorite Reading Book كتابي المفضل في القراءة
My Favorite Reading Book is a new book which utilizes a simple and engaging method for teaching children the basics of reading and writing. Each letter of the alphabet is featured on a separate page, and letters are displayed in their different shapes, according to their location in a word. Students are asked to trace over dotted letters so they can grow accustomed to the correct way of writing them.
Each letter page also contains images for items beginning with this letter. Items are chosen from the everyday world of children, so they can easily recognize these items and read their names. Images and words help students increase their vocabulary, which in turn increases their abilities for expression.
This book is part of the “My Arabic Language” books, within “The Butterfly Series.” The series aims at teaching children their mother tongue of Arabic, using the most modern and successful techniques.
بعد أن يرى الطفل الحرف منقطاً يقوم بتمرير قلمه على النقاط فيعتاد من ثم الكتابة بشكل صحيح. إن هذه الرسوم والكلمات المرافقة لها تساهم في توسيع دائرة المفردات التي يختزنها الطفل في ذاكرته فتزيد من إمكانياته في التعبير. وهذا الكتاب حلقة أساسية من حلقات “لغتي العربية” في “سلسلة الفراشة” التي تهدف إلى تلقين أحبائنا الصغار لغتنا الأم بحسب أحدث الأساليب وأنجحها