My Beautiful Language (Set of 2 Books) لغتي الجميلة
My beautiful Language series in an educational series for teaching Arabic language, directed for nursery stages. The series contains two books for KG1 and KG2.
The Arabic language book relays on the constructive method for reading, where the child is first introduced to short sounds that qualifies him later to read simple triple words. The book seeks to develop the phonemic awareness skills for KG1 children and to link letters, words and images that begin with them.
- Distinguish letters with short sounds.
- Develop the phonemic awareness skills for each letter.
- Define the vocabulary the starts with the letter.
- Copy letters.
- Distinguish the different shapes of letters according to their position in the word.
- Distinguish the pictures the starts with the letter among other pictures.
- Link between letters, pictures or vocabularies that start with them.
- تمييز الحروف مع الأصوات القصيرة.
- تنمية مهارات الوعي الصوتي لكل حرف.
- التعرف إلى المفرادات التي تبدأ بالحرف.
- نسخ الحروف.
- تمييز أشكال الحروف المختلفة بحسب موقعها من الكلمة.
- تمييز الصور التي تبدأ بالحرف ضمن مجموعة صور أخرى.
- الربط بين الحروف والصور أو المفرادات التي تبدأ بها.
Or buy individually:
- My Beautiful Language : Level 1 لغتي الجميلة
- My Beautiful Language : Level 2 لغتي الجميلة