ICO Learn Arabic Textbook: Level 12, Part 1 (With Online Access Code) تعلم العربية
Teaching language is a critical tool in communication and
ultimately in the development of knowledge. In our quest to provide our
customers with quality materials, we are pleased to offer the Learn Arabic
series. It employs modern methods of teaching foreign language to
successfully teach the Arabic language to students in K-12th grade. This
series was founded upon the following three fundamentals of teaching
languages presented in an Islamic context:
- Elements: sounds, letters, phrases, and pronunciation
- Skills: reading, writing, speaking, and listening
- Linguistic Functions: introduction, greetings, description, requests, and apologies.
Series Contents:
The Learn Arabic
series consists of textbooks, workbooks, and teacher’s manuals for
levels K-12th grade. The textbooks aim to present basic elements of the
Arabic language and their functions, while the activity books focus on
enrichment material with special emphasis on writing. The teacher’s
manuals offer tips on teaching Arabic efficiently with positive results.
Support Material:
Teachers will be pleased with
the full array of support materials available, such as a collection of
audio records, posters, and cards. These books also include ideas for
additional activities, such as chants, competitions, and linguistic
plays. All of these materials will help to make each lesson exciting and
active for students.
Student Textbook:
Student Textbooks are comprised of 24 units: 66 basic lessons of new
material, plus an additional 6 units for revision. Each basic unit
contains 4 lessons of new material, including dialog text, expressions,
and vocabulary, and communication exercises. These units contain
conversations, pronunciations and expressions, grammatical structures,
listening, reading, thinking, writing, and extra activities, such as
selections of Qur’an, ahadith and nasheed; where the teacher books
include a midterm and final test. Answer keys can be found in the
teacher’s manuals.
Activity Book:
The activity
book simply enhance the material found within the student textbooks.
They mainly concentrate on writing skills with some review of verbal
skills. Each contains many different activities which can be done at
school or at home, such as coloring and painting pages; word matches;
reading letters and sentences; writing words, letters, and numbers; and
answering questions. Some of the activities should be completed at home
with a parent to strengthen the relationship between home and school.