I Am an Arab and This Is My Country أنا عربي وهذا وطني
I am an Arab and This is My Country (“أنا عربي وهذا وطني”) is a book dedicated to educate young children aged 6 – 12 years, with basic information about individual countries of the Arab World. With its simple text, interesting and enjoyable graphics it is bound to create an interest and awareness within the targeted age group. I am an Arab and This is My Country (“أنا عربي وهذا وطني”) has a factual simple form and has been compiled to introduce the Arab World to young readers.
From the Author:
I have been working on creating a basic concept for young readers, with a primary aim to allow them to enjoy Arabic books. This has mainly been triggered by my experience in developing my three children’s literary appreciation of Arabic language books. I have been developing story lines for simple books for young readers and have had my first two books published in Beirut.
As a mother, I often feel that most of our young children have an identity problem, which partly stems from a lack of modern Arabic language stories with appeal to this age group. I am an Arab and This is My Country (“أنا عربي وهذا وطني”) addresses this gap, and is a compilation of various educational aspects of our Arab World, in simple text and illustrated in modern graphics and characters.
Objective of I am an Arab and This is My Country (“أنا عربي وهذا وطني”):
I have witnessed the gradual development of I am an Arab and This is My Country (“أنا عربي وهذا وطني”) over the past 2 years. I went through extensive research. Most of it involved a wide-range of internet research and I was also able to get local embassies in Amman to answer outstanding questions. This project’s main focal point is to develop an understanding of heritage and culture. The young readers will have an opportunity to learn basic facts in a fun and interesting manner. The book will be a great opportunity in supporting fundamental attachment with roots, which seems obsolete nowadays.
The book is a simple guideline of the 22 Arab countries. Each country has an overall brief description about it.
A quick glimpse of each nation is discussed within 6 points:
- The country’s official name, capital city, national flag and its population count
- History
- Culture
- 3 important sites in the country
- Traditional cuisine
- Monetary currency
Additionally, two pages dedicated to each country with the text will include:
- A map of the country
- The national traditional clothing (depicted by either a little boy or girl wearing it)
- Illustrations from each country (e.g. a significant landmark, building site, etc.)
In addition, the book includes:
- A dedication page and a page with a word of appreciation to everyone that helped me put the book together
- A page for a poem by poet Fakhri Al Barudi
- A content page
- A reference page