Giraffe Series: Level 3 (10 Books) سلسلة زرافة
This book set includes ten stories for children aged 5-10 years narrated by the animals. These books are characterized by the diversity of subject matter, knowledge, values and attitudes that are covered, as well as activities and exercises that develop language skills.
The Level 3 collection includes the following stories:
The Dove and Fox (9957084607)
Intelligence of a Lion (9957084631)
The End of the Deceiver (9957084518)
Bear House (9957084488)
Green Elephant (9957084496)
The Duck and the Rabbit (9957084593)
The Parrot and the Rabbit (9957084666)
The Bat and the Owl (9957084623)
Fulfillment of the Covenant (9957084704)
Hedgehog and the Jar (9957084453)
تتضمن المجموعة القصص التالية:
- الحمامة والثعلب (9957084607)
- ذكاء أسد (9957084631)
- نهاية مخادع (9957084518)
- بيت الدب (9957084488)
- الفيل الاخضر (9957084496)
- البطة والأرنب (9957084593)
- الببغاء والأرنب (9957084666)
- الوطواط والبومة (9957084623)
- الوفاء بالعهد (9957084704)
- القنفذ والجرة (9957084453)