El Motkan World Wide Communication المتقن في الألسن مجموعة تعلم وتكلم لغات العالم بيدك
This series of books and references is an exciting resource for readers who know a number of spoken languages, or for beginners interested in learning foreign languages on their own, without the aid of a teacher.
The contents of the books include basic principles and short summaries of grammars, and briefly cover verb conjugations and how to form sentences using suitable nouns and verbs. The series presents these concepts in a simple, clear style, in order to teach reading, writing and speaking in an accurate and practical manner. Colors and images were used to provide greater clarity in the work.
Additionally, an Arabic pronunciation guide is included to teach proper pronunciation during speaking and conversation.
The Collection includes these titles:
- German: ISBN: 9789953303741
- Dutch: ISBN: 9789953303734
- Advanced English: ISBN: 9789953303789
- English for Beginners: ISBN: 9789953303772
- Spanish: ISBN: 9789953303758
- Advanced French: ISBN: 9789953303802
- French for Beginners: ISBN: 9789953303796
- Italian: ISBN: 9789953303765
المحتوى يضم المبادئ الاساسية ونبذة بسيطة من القواعد وتصريف الأفعال وتركيب الجمل باستخدام الكلمات المناسبة والأفعال اللازمة، بأسلوب سهل ومبّسط، وصولاً الى القراءة والكتابة والحوار بشكل عملي وصحيح. إعتمدنا على الألوان والرسوم للحصول على المزيد من التوضيح وطريقة اللفظ بالعربية للوصول الى النطق الصحيح عند اجراء الحوار والمحادثة.