Creative Activities from Children’s Illustrated Books أنشطة إبداعية مستمدة من كتب الأطفال المصورة
Creative Activities from Children’s Illustrated Books is a well-organized source for kindergarten teachers and parents who want to expand their children’s minds by enabling them to practice age-appropriate and joyful activities.
In addition to helping children converse, express their thoughts and understanding of the world, and discuss images presented in the text, the adult reader will also enjoy this book’s many individual success stories. These stories are wonderful examples of the beautiful changes that can occur in any child’s life by just applying some of the simple and straight-forward advice that this book provides.
يعرض الكتاب نماذج تطبيقية لتثمير الكتاب المصور.
ساعدوا أطفالكم ليتحدثوا على الورق وليعبروا عن فهمهم لشخصيات الكتاب ويعلقوا على صوره، إنها لحظات ممتعة فلا تفوتوها.