Assist in Text Comprehension and Composition: Level 1 المساعد في فهم النص والتعبير الكتابيّ / مستوى أوّل
The book The assistant in understanding texts and expressive writing includes reading texts to answer through varied different questions and activities related to the writing exercises. They were built and reconstructed based on curriculum standards and competences needed in this basic preliminary stage to help the learner reach the process of writing.
Before expressive writing became a text, it was a word in its early beginnings, then this word turned into a sentence and the sentence became longer and turned into a paragraph and finally became a deep text and so the assistant in understanding texts and expressive writing contains different reading texts in content and level.
They are accompanied by writing exercises that will help the learner in early years to practice that writing skill. A guide is attached for a deeper explanation on the design of the book and how to escort the learner through acquiring the writing skill instead of always asking: How can I write?
فالتعبير الكتابي قبل أن يكون نصاً إنسانياً هو في بدايته كلمة فجملة والجملة طالت فصارت مترابطة، ومن ثم تحولت إلى فقرة، فإلى نص عميق وعليه فإن المساعد في فهم النص والتعبير الكتابي قد تضمن نصوصاً قرائية مختلفة في المحتوى ومتدرجة في المستوى رافقتها التمارين الكتابية التي ستساعد المتعلم منذ صغره ونشأته على التدرب على تلك المهارة الكتابية
وقد أرفق دليل لشرح أعمق عن تصميم الكتاب وكيفية مواكبة المتعلم في المهارة الكتابية بدلاً من السؤال دوماً : كيف أكتب؟