Ahlan – Learning Arabic for Beginners Workbook: Level 1 أهلا تعليم العربية للناشئين
This series of “Arabic Language for Beginners” consists of 3 levels. Each level includes two books aim to help students to acquire good speaking, listening and reading skills. This series helps beginners build gradual interest in developing practical linguistic skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. All this will make the student able to pronounce and speak Arabic well. We have chosen an attractive way that is suitable for the children like rhythm and coloring.
- Builds linguistic skills
- Focuses on reading and listening
- Caters to different levels in Arabic
- Created to make learning fun and exciting
- Practical for beginners
- Increases Arabic-language skills
سلسلة مبنية على منهج علمي متكامل لتعليم اللغة
العربية للناشئين وهي تتناسب مع الطلاب في بلاد المهجر. 3 مستويات: كل
مستوى يحتوى على كتاب أساسي و كتاب تدريبات.