Al Amal Series – Islamic Education (Set of 5 Books, with Teacher Book) سلسلة الأمل التربية الإسلامية
The program conceived for this matter, throughout all levels, has a supreme objective:
- To teach the pupil, initially, the regulations of his religion in a scientific and methodological way.
- To build into him a personality of a Muslim who is balanced, moderated, communicating and acting in a positive way on his medium, promoting values such as goodness, truth, beauty and believing in the principles of dialogue, tolerance, and participation, etc. And this is, through:
- Introducing some verses from the Qur’an and helping children to understand some of their significances while memorizing the verses.
- Introducing an outline of the life of the Prophet (s) and his moralities.
- Providing a selected extract of the life of the Companions and history of pious people.
- Explaining the principle pillars of Islam and acts relating to worship.
As for the policy of drafting what we adopted in the development of this program, it does not differ from what was selected for the linguistic matters. These books thus follow the same logic as that of the others. They are founded on the principle of vertical progression:
- From the simplest to the more complex
- From the descriptive to analytical
- From fractional to synthesis
They are organized according to the principle of complementary between the matters. They use various means of learning, clarification, and explanation, and resort to more than one teaching approach, in an attempt to:
- Satisfy all the intelligences, whatever their disparities.
- Meet all the needs.
- Carry out the majority of the objectives and the end goals established for these books.
Supplemental CD sold separately.
Or buy individually:
- Al-Amal Series – Islamic Education: Level KG سلسلة الأمل التربية الإسلامية
- Al Amal Series – Islamic Education: Level 4 سلسلة الأمل التربية الإسلامية
- Al Amal Series – Islamic Education: Level 5 سلسلة الأمل – التربية الإسلامية
- Al Amal Series – Islamic Education: Level 6 سلسلة الأمل – التربية الإسلامية
- Al Amal Series – Islamic Education Teacher Book سلسلة الأمل التربية الإسلامية كتاب المعلم