Diccionario Español-Árabe – Dictionary Spanish-Arabic قاموس
This dictionary is a monolingual dictionary intended for speakers of the Spanish language. It is a useful tool for Spanish students in the Middle East, businessmen in touch with Arabic speakers, and for all researches and readers who would like to know more about the Arabic language. The dictionary is arranged alphabetically, and contains about 15,000 Spanish words alongside their accurate definitions and Arabic synonyms. The dictionary presents words without going back to their roots for ease of look-up and comprehension.
- بلغة عربية فصيحة مترجمة وغنية بالمعاني مثلاً: إسطبل-حظيرة-عنبر : cuadra
- الكلمات الأجنبية أو العامية وضعت بين علامات التنصيص مثلاً: رباط الرقبة (كرفاته): corbata